I hate Mondays! I'm at work, and unfortunately this is the last archive photo I have access to from my work PC. From here on in all posts I make from the office will be "sans" pictures. So sorry, but I hope you enjoy this blurry old one!
On Sunday Luca and I popped through to visit mum in order to avoid Carole's hangover. We timed it badly though, as mum had church to go to not long after we arrived. After (very) briefly considering the possibility of myself and Luca accompanying her (I quickly dismissed the idea on the grounds that Luca's patience wouldn't last past the "Maria" in "Ave Maria") we instead popped along to Banchory's supermarket to buy some munchies. While there we bumped into an old friend, who hadn't met Luca yet. Luca's developed really well verbally this year, and I fully expected him to show off to Mark with his extensive vocabulary. Perhaps predictably though, he said nothing. Nada. He wouldn't even look in Marks direction, never mind say hello! It was almost as if someone had turned out the lights. However, the minute we moved off again the lights went back on!
Afterwards we went back to mum's, where (after Luca had eaten all the food mum had) we went for a walk to the Burnett park. In fact, mum took photo's and videos, but she hasn't posted them yet! For Liz and Val's benefit, the link to mum's blog is http://jostewart.blogspot.com/. Hopefully by the time you read this she'll have posted them!
Luca and I headed home at lunchtime in order to catch the Man Utd-Man City game on TV. Luca went straight to bed, while I curled up with Carole on the sofa - she's becoming a bit of a football afficionato too. Unfortunately I fell asleep (how old am I?), only waking when Luca was back up. I think he disturbed my slumber by leaning his face into mine!
This week is going to be a bit of a nightmare at work, so I'm glad the upcoming weekend is looking quite quiet. The only solid arrangement we have is a panto on Sunday. I'm taking the gruesome twosome to see Aladdin at His Majestys Theatre in Aberdeen. It's Luca's first so we'll see how he takes to it. I'll take the camera with me, and let you know how long his attention span put up with ex-soap actors shouting indecipherably.
Finally, I just got the latest Q magazine, where they listed what they considered to be the top 50 albums of the year. I've got about ten of them, but not the one they considered the best - Kings Of Leon. I understand Kelly and dad do though? Relatedly, what would you all consider your favourite album of the year? My vote would have to go for "Life Processes" by "Forward Russia", with "No Age's" album coming in a close second.
***Useless fact of the day - The highest placed "pure pop" album in Q's poll was "Duffy's" debut***
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