11:46pm - yep I'm a night owl :-) My first post ever ....- the rain is beating down on the spare room window and it's really windy :-( I'm supposed to be wrapping Christmas presents but seem to being finding anything else to do but that!
I do love reading Gary's blog - he exaggerates so, but it's very readable so I just snigger and don't say a word ... however just halve everything he says and you'll get a truer picture of the actual events :-)
The panto was really good for a small local production - the camel costume in particular was fabulous ... pity Gary didn't get a photo of that. Luca really enjoyed it and clapped in all of the right places and booed the baddy off the stage many times - my initial thoughts were that he was still too young but it was really only the length of the production that brought him down in the end :-) It started at 2:30 and we left at 4:20 (about 10 minutes before the end) so all in all he was pretty good. My good friend Becks (we had our babies at the same time) had one of the leading roles and was a surprisingly good singer and actor (I was well impressed).
Luca's now getting to the stage where he's not really wanting a bottle but he still wants his milk ("mulk" as he says!) so I'm experimenting by giving him warm milk in his spouted cups - so far so good. He's also trying to drink out of a proper cup now - just like a big boy. Most of the water dribbles down his face but that's not the point now is it?
Just nipped down to take a photo of our tree with my wee camera phone - however, when I switched the lounge light on the lights blew ..... seriously blew ... a bulb didn't just go - the whole darn lot went "BANG" - I nearly cra**ed my self (excuse me!). I located the torch, found the fuse box and flicked the switch - and there was light :-). Just the one bulb gone but I've never had one go "bang" before! The tree looks very lonely without any presents under it - I'm wondering whether a firm "NO" will stop Luca (and Gary!) from wading in amongst them if I put them down ... hmmmm ....
I was worried that Gary hadn't put my celebrity look-a-like on because it was the "hulk" or Whoopie Goldburgh or the likes - so I googled the website and did it myself ... to my relief I was 86% Camilla Belle and Ai Otsuka (who the hell are they we cry?) but worryingly 80% like Johnny Depp (it must be the goatee?) ehhhhh!
Well it's now 12:41am so I really should go to bed - but not before I experiment and upload one of my favourite photos of Luca :-) What a dear,wee gem he is. Oh and a photo of my special lady Abby whom I miss every day and died a year past Monday :-( 

(hmmmm ... I must work out how to insert the photos where I want them instead of them automatically going to the top of the blog - it's not obvious so any hints from the "Blog Masters" will be gratefully and graciously received :-))
Don't worry I doubt this will be a regular thing as I've far too many more important jobs to do .... like filing my nails or washing Isis!!!! - Gary is definitely "king" of the Blog and long may it stay that way :-).
Toodle pip to all
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