I wasn't going to bother doing a blog tonight (it's getting late), but I decided at the last minute that it's be nice to get these new photo's on. I took a days holiday today, so I kept Luca off nursery to keep me company. He's hard work though, so I also decided to phone his gran and get her to meet us in Aberdeen once we'd done most of our shopping. We met her at B&Q (we were both looking for Christmas trees), but I'm sure she decided it wasn't such a good idea after all when we pitched up - Luca was having a paddy (I won't bore you with the details why!). Still, as per normal, he settled pretty quickly, most likely because of the food we gave him, as demonstrated in the pictures above. I bought him his own cake, but as you'd guess with a toddler he didn't want his, he wanted someone elses, so his gran lost her scone after only one bite! Cute photo, but I prefer the second one of him sitting with his gran, his little legs barely stretch over the edge of the chair!
We actually had to trawl a couple of stores looking for trees, but without any luck. All the good decently priced (and sized) ones were sold out, leaving only the ridiculously overpriced ones. The season of goodwill or not, I'm not parting with a pony for the sake of a tree. For all non-English readers, you can google the word "pony" to find the value of it....
The final picture was taken in my car on the way home as he munched on a tuna sandwich I'd bought him. He seemed to love it, though I now have fishy crusts lying on the floor of my car.....It was well past his naptime once he'd demolished the sarnie, and he fell asleep when we were still 20 minutes from home. This is a nightmare as (as moosstt of you know) waking a toddler then getting them back to sleep in the house is a tad difficult. Thankfully I had a solution. I said one word. "Chocolate". He woke straight up at the sound of the magical word, and started calling for his "shoshlish", which is the closest he can get to pronouncing a word with three syllables at present! I dug out a kit-kat, so he got his chocolate and I got my easy life. We were all winners!
After getting home I put him to bed and did something I haven't done in a couple of years. I properly cleaned a bathroom. Yes, a couple of years, I know. Carole fainted with the shock on her arrival home!
Tonight I prepared tea for Carole. Well, I bought it, does that count? Carole alos told me today that we've another panto to take Luca to on Saturday, so we've now got two to go to next weekend. The joys....
Well, it looks like Kelly enjoyed the lookalikes. Though likely only because she knows she's out of the firing line! You asked who mine was? See below:-

Yes, the footballer Michael Owen. Hmmm. Dubious. Resemblanes are taken from the shape of the face rather than the hair! Still, it's probably about as close as Lucy's black lookalike!Perhaps it's because I'm purposely using the worst photo's I can find of people (I look cock-eyed, Kelly looks like she's high and Scott looks like a chunky version of himself. To be fair, Lucy's was OK!). Nuff said, next victim:-

Yes, Luca is Helena Bonham Carter! Hmmm again! To be fair though, I tried a couple more photo's of him and both came up with Zac from the teen pop band Hanson. Remember them? They did the song "Mmmm Bop". I just thought Bonham Carter was funnier! Last one of the night will be:-
Yes, Cade is Mischa Barton (some actress from the US TV series "The OC"). I think perhaps Lucy should ensure Cade doesn't get wind of this! Uncle Gary will be persona non grata in March! Before I offend anyone else I'll bid you goodnight. This doesn't mean I'm finished with the lookalikes yet though....
**Useless fact of the day - Scientists believe the perfect face involves the width of the face from cheek to cheek being 10 inches (25 centimetres), then the length of the face from the top of the head to the bottom of the chin should be 16.18 inches to be in ideal proportion. I wonder if any of you will now measure your face....**
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