More Luca picures and video's for you. Well, what do you expect - you don't honestly think I'm quick enough to get Carole in front of the camera do you? These were taken yesterday after we put together his present from Aunt Jane. And judging by the evidence, a very popular gift it will turn out to be.
It's now 9pm at night, and we've just finished our dinner (usual double serving for me and diet serving for Carole...) and this blog will be followed by a round of online Christmas present buying. So if you haven't yet made a Christmas gift suggestion to me you will instead receive a random (relatively!) present selection. But doesn't it increase the feeling of anticipation?

Confused by the random pictures above? It's a new game of mine (I think I'm trying to put off spending money on Amazon....). I've found a website which allows you to upload photo's and it finds the nearest celebrity lookalike! I thought tonight my first victims would be Scott and Lucy. The website decided that Scott most resembles some bloke called Raoul Bova. I had to "wikipedia" him (as I'd never heard of him) and it transpires that he's an Italian actor, best known for starring in the 2004 film "Alien V Predator"! Lucy was a little tougher, and I had to upload three separate photo's of her before it found even one lookalike. And it's not a great one - Jada Pinkett Smith. For those of you struggling with that name, she's Will Smiths wife (and a semi-successfull acress in her own right). She's also black. And Lucy isn't. Hmmm, we'll see how the next lookalikes turn out. Who's next.....
Last victim of the night I promise! Kelly's image was matched with that of Demi Moore. Well done, Kelly's lookalike is the best looking and most famous so far. Now, what will tomorrow bring. Cade? Craig? Dad? Who knows.....
**Useless fact of the day - Up until recently (in scientific terms) the Australian Aborigines were considered the missing links between our apelike ancestor and the rest of mankind. This resulted in terrible prejudices and injustices towards the Australian Aborigines**
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