Yes, I'm fully aware that it's a particularly small photo of Luca, but that said he was himself a trifle small at that stage! The photo of "baby Luca" is in honour of his second birthday today. Carole's got him some gifts and a cake, and Mum (my Mum, his Gran!) is coming over today at lunchtime to help celebrate. I, however, will be missing as I'm unfortunately working the period between Christmas and New Year.
Hopefully, if I get home from work sharply tonight, I can take him swimming. Not exactly a birthday treat - he'll scream like a horror movie virgin just at the sight of the pool - but I need to prep him for the upcoming holiday. He was so good in water as a tot, but got progressively worse to the point where I regrettably stopped taking him. This will not be fun....
What is a little more fun is the puppy - Sima is settling very quickly now, and is already well on her way to being toilet trained. We have very few accidents now, with 90% of her "doings" occurring outside. Though she did have a poo in her water bowl yesterday, which had dissolved into brown water by the time I saw it. That was particularly enjoyable to clean up. I had to keep telling myself it was a McDonalds Chocolate Milkshake as I cleanedthe bowl in order to avoid the gag reflex. Looking at it retrospectively, poo in water is probably better for you than anything from McDoanld anyway!
**Useless fact of the day - Before 1660, New Year took place on what is now the 11th of January!**
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