I have a little alcohol poisoning today. More on that later, first the pictures....

Here's Luca from two nights ago. Yes, I'm still sneaking into his room late at night to set a camera flash off in his face. No he hasn't woken yet. Yes, he will eventually. I'll let you know his reaction when he does.
Sorry, wrong picture. Perversely you can't delete pictures from the blog once you've uploaded them, so please enjoy my attempted picture of whatever it was. To be fair I'm pretty certain I could mail this off to the "National Enquirer" as "conclusive proof" of a UFO/a Yeti/the Loch Ness Monster/whatever.
The rest of today's pictures are on their side. Why? I don't know. I've tried rotating them but my PC is moaning about write protection and other such fanciful computer terminologies when I try to re-save. As I'm hungover and have no patience you'll simply have to tilt your head from here on in. The one above was taken yesterday as I passed Aberdeen Beach on route to meet Carole at a wedding exhibition. The picture was intended to to be a visual descriptive of the extreme wind conditions we suffered yesterday, causing the waves to lash high against the waterfronts protective walls.
Here's me from this morning modelling the Christmas present I received from Lucy et al. Yes, her Christmas gifts for us just arrived on Friday! "Better late than never" as the old cliched adage go's. In all seriousness we're really grateful - January is perennially a depressing month, so to receive gifts unexpectedly brings back that warm Christmassy feeling. My only disappointment arose on discovery that these "Superman" pyjama's came without a cape......
Here's Luca from a little earlier today. Carole's on call this weekend, and received a call with a mail/server related problem to resolve. In order to allow her peace to do it Luca and I bailed out and made hay toward the swimming pool. He was good again, albeit suffering a mild panic attack when I tested his competence by letting him go in the middle of the pool. His little legs thrashed around under the water as he desperately doggy paddled, and much to his credit he stayed afloat. The wee chap was a shivering and teary eyed infant as I took him in my arms again. "No do that again" he sobbed into my shoulder.

The two photo's above were taken after we'd escaped the chlorine soaked verruca-fest and searched for a suitably unhealthy lunch. We eventually plumped for the cafe above the local Tesco supermarket. Luca was well behaved - translated that means exhausted and consequently too tired to be naughty - and matched me chip for chip and sausage for sausage as we battled for dominance across the single plate of artery clogging greasiness we ordered.
He was a little more reticent when it came to sharing his juice though. "Can I have a drink Luca?" I begged. "No Daddy" he replied sternly, "You go get a cup of coffee. Coffee is Daddy's and juice is for Luca"
It's been a busy weekend thus far. As mentioned earlier, Carole and I visited a wedding exhibition at the Aberdeen Exhibition Centre. It was the highlight of my year so far, as I handed over sixteen of my hard earned pounds at the door simply to be allowed access into a big hall where a variety of wedding related companies attempted to sell me their wares. Is this the biggest rip off since the UK's banks almost went belly up due to their negligence forcing us (the taxpayer) to bail them out to the tune of £500 billion? Without a hint of exaggeration I would say yes.
I won't mince my words. It was rubbish. Never, ever again....
I suppose that's the point though isn't it? As most people only get married once they're not really relying on repeat business are they? They'll have a fresh batch of suckers to shaft year after year after year after year......
With the one nod to our entrance fee - a fashion show - being oversold (weirdly it was held in a small room despite the days attendance reaching into tens of thousands of people) we instead escaped to the cinema. The day's first bright point for me being a surprisingly enjoyable Denzel Washington film called "The Book of Eli". It was a tad over-reaching and the message of religious (Christian) tolerance was clunking but I'd still recommend it. I'd imagine the original source novel to be a little more cerebral however.
After navigating through the flood waters to get back home (via Banchory to collect a predictably reluctant Luca) we got him quickly to bed in order to allow us time to discuss the wedding guest list. As you know, my intention is to keep the wedding as small and minimalist as possible, but it proved surprisingly difficult to whittle names off the list. I've personally had to leave some really good friends out which is causing me chagrin, yet the numbers are still far higher than I'd anticipated.
With the difficulty of this task we were forced to open a bottle of sparkling wine. Then a bottle of strong sherry. Please don't ask me the final numbers for the wedding as I think I'd even forgotten my name by the time we collapsed into bed.
Finally, before I lose the will to type, I have to pay mention to the arrival of another baby into the world. At 0636 this morning Harold Findlay Watt was born, first child of Donald and Luisa Watt. Donalds my oldest friend, so I'm absolutely delighted with the safe arrival of the 9lb ragamuffin.
I'll post some pictures as soon as I visit - I decided not to while they're still in hospital. Unfortunately though, unless technology move forward rapidly in the next couple of days I won't be able to post that great and indefinable "new baby" smell on the blog too.....
**Useless fact of the day - New babies are purported to smell somewhere between vanilla and exotic fruits**
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