With my lack of weight long having been a cancern, today I attended an appointment at the doctors for a checkup to find the reasons why.
The results were surprising to say the least. After various checks and discussions it was determined that I am:-
Height - 6ft 1 1/2 inches
Weight - 80kg (12stone 8lb approx)
BMI - 23
Which means I'm exactly where I should be, a long way away from being underweight. Between 20 and 25 is where a mans BMI should be. I am 4kg (9lb) heavier than the last time to doctor checked (in late 2008) so I suppose that makes a difference.
Although the visit to the doctor proved to be a little pointless considering the results, I did enjoy the opportunity of a slighly long lie in this morning - my appointment was at 9.10am so no point going to work beforehand. Luca kept eyeing me suspiciously at the breakfast table as the clock neared 8.30. The confusion on his face as he and his Mummy left the house before me was palpable.
We're just off the back of a quiet weekend. I was away from home all day on Saturday (various activities such as gym, football, etc, etc) while Carole and Luca stayed home to read and play puzzles. On Sunday - as you'll have seen from the photo's on yesterdays blog - Carole and Luca got a bit arty and made a paper mache elephant.
Actually, can I retract that? Yesterday Carole spent 4 hours making a paper mache elephant. Luca watched his Mum make a paper mache elephant for 5 minutes before wandering away to play with his cars. ""The instructions say I need to put four layers on this bl**dy thing"" wailed Carole 3 hours in as her resolve disintegrated faster than errrmmm, a disprin in a glass of water.
She got a chance to relax later on, however, when we settled down to watch the movie "Blindness", a compelling Kapra-esque take on a typical sci-fi genre. It was intriguing, and as with all good films asked more questions than it answered.
**Useless fact of the day - In the UK 4% of men and 6% of women are classified as underweight**
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