That's the wedding booked for 30th October..................almost. We still have the large deposit to drop off at the hotel, which will be done tomorrow or Monday. However, overcautious or not I'm still anxiously waiting this final confirmation. The wedding coordinator at Meldrum House is perfectly pleasant, but she doesn't seem the most switched on of people. I'll be happier once I see evidence of our name in their book.

This little man, however, is perfectly switched on - as is the TV anytime he's in the vicinity of the living room. Here he is after having finished his night time milk drink. He's pretending the programme is so engrossing he can't hear the dreaded holler of "Luca, up the stairs, brush teeth and sleepy time".
Same night different time. Nice to see him close up, but I timed this picture wrong. Had I taken it ten seconds later you would have seen his face contorted in fake rage as he jumped on top of me, teeth bared, shrieking "I'm a dinosaur - I get you!"
I'm getting better at taking photographs. Fuzzy - yes. Blurred - yes. Squint - yes. But inappropriate? No - my "hand of God" covers his modesty. "What you doing Dad?" he asked. "I'm hiding your willy" I countered. "Luca's got a little willy" he replied, with an alarming look of self awareness spread across his sad face.

And here he is now - or ten minutes ago to be precise. I, as is standard now, sneaked into his room to photograph/disturb/blind my son with the camera as he slept again.
Can I change tack slightly before I move on? Kelly - it's OK, that's a perfectly reasonable price to pay for a tooth destroying, tongue discolouring, dangerously "e" congested can of Tizer substitute. Anyway, with the value of the AUD doesn't that work out at about 12 pence in real money anyway?
Back at Castle Greyskull, we've had a busy week. Amongst the normal trials of work, fitness classes, gym, football (my leg is still swollen - I'm getting old) and toddler wars we've also had wedding arrangements to occupy our time.
Most particularly, Carole and I took Wednesday afternoon off work for a tour of Meldrum Houses wedding facilities. It was useful to get our questions answered and be shown around - the bedrooms, with their enormous size and vintage decor, are fantastic - but unfortunately we weren't able to view the conference section of the hotel, where the actual wedding will take place as it was booked out that day. Predictably I wasn't greatly pleased with this, I thought it showed an inherent lack of organisation. Or perhaps, as Carole would say, I'm just "Victoring" again.
This aside, it's a beautiful location, and being a country house also has such facilities as a golf course. Which will be perfect for me on the morning of the wedding when I'm wound up and nervous and need a distraction from the prospect of committing myself to a lifetime of living with and loving someone and raising dogs and children. Oh, wait a minute, already doing that. In retrospect I think I'll be OK......
With that mention of children leading me neatly onto Inverurie's toddler version of Josef Stalin We can't stop him singing at the moment. He bursts into song without even a grain of encouragement. My personal favourite (I must get this on video and post it on the blog) is "Down In The Jungle" which seems to be endless, and where most amusingly every verse climaxes with a section where he (in a Barry White-esque tone) mumbles "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" while wiggling his booty with his hands on his hips.
You know those things in life that are incredibly funny, yet "you have to be there"? Yep, this is one of them.
I have much more to report, but with the cold dark skies tempting me toward the warm embrace of bed I'll instead leave these for another time. In the interim please help our wedding arrangements by voting on today's poll.
**Useless fact of the day - One of the most popular songs at a wedding is "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Middler AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH**
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