October 30th - mark that date in your diary. It's the date we've provisionally booked for our wedding. After close consideration (during which the prospect of eloping was seriously mooted) we've instead decided to hold that date open at Meldrum House (www.meldrumhouse.com) pending a final decision on it's suitability upon being shown the facilities next week. More news to follow......

From the upbeat to the absurd, today's first featured picture is of my new hat. With temperatures having dropped perilously close to -20 degree's over the past couple of weeks my bonce has been taking some punishment. As such, albeit poorly timed with the recent rise in temperatures, today I invested in possibly the ugliest looking hat you may ever witness. Did I care, though, as the stupendously warm noggin garment and I braved the elements (amateurishly) fixing the dog pound today? Absolutely, indubitably no.
Luca was another of my responsibilities today, as while Carole had a long day of work and fitness class I afforded myself the day off. I've still got several days left of last years holidays I'm desperately trying to use up, and today seemed as good a day as any to take one. Not much of a holiday though, as the recent weather has left an insurmountable number of jobs in and around the garden and house for me to complete. Granted it's satisfying getting things done, but with my DIY skills probably comparable to a lame budgerigar I do tend to frustrate even myself.
Luca was good though. I actually sent him off to nursery this morning with his Mum in order to allow me to get on with things. It was nice, however, to pick him up that afternoon. My days frustrations always seem to pretty much just ebb away when he sees me, flashes that smile and runs toward me like a rampaging bull. "Daddy Daddy Daddy" he squeals as various startled toddlers in his path get bundled aside like bowling pins.
I'm not sure why I took two photographs of him on the potty either. I can report, though, that even now there's a faint stench of Luca poo permeating around our living room.
We phoned his Granny tonight just before bedtime, which was a good idea gone bad by poor execution. I forgot to switch the television off initially, which predictably caused little goggle eyes to sit silent on the phone engrossed in "Ben & Holly" while his poor Gran talked herself to death in the background. That said, that's not uncommon for conversations with my Mum.
I'm just kidding Mum!
Eventually, after I switched the TV off Luca sprung to life and regaled his Gran with stories of his day. Including the one where he fell off his space hopper and whacked his head off the wall. The girls at the nursery said they didn't see it, but sure as heck heard it. Thankfully Luca seems fine, I can't even find a bump. His thick head does pay dividends sometimes.
It was sad when I quizzed him about it after getting home. "Where did you hit your head Luca?" I queried, "There" he said while pointing to the left side of his face, "It's very sore". His face started to crumple at this point so the interrogation stopped and a very sorry looking young boy got a quiet cuddle.
**Useless fact of the day - Almost 90 percent of volcanoes are in the Ring of Fire, a band of volcanoes circling the edges of the Pacific Ocean**
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