The snow doth returneth. Our back garden again looks like a scene from the start of "The Empire Strikes Back". Indeed I'm sure I saw Sima attack a Taun-Taun when she went out for her pre-bedtime poo last night.

We have a few photo's for you today, albeit the above being the only non-squint one. This was taken on Wednesday when his Granny dropped him back here after his night away. If you squint you may notice his left cheek (your right) protruding further out than the right. For those of you who's memories are longer than mine (pretty much everyone then) you'll recall earlier that same day he'd rammed his face against Anne's coffee table.
Here he is again, with this photo taken yesterday. I took this a little close to the window as the winter sun warmed our frostbitten toes.
Same again. I like this one though. It's almost religious in tone, with the thoughtful expression and blinding white hue combining to provide a very ethereal appearance.
Luca loves having his picture taken, but as yet can't comprehend why he needs to stay still. "Cheeesse" he'll cry with his ivory teeth glinting in the sun, before quickly tiring of the experience and hunting down his next experience.
At last we're getting closer to the main point of this segment of pictures - identification of his bruise. Can you see it here? "Is is still sore?" I asked him this morning. "Yes. it still sore" he muttered quietly, while gently poking at the afflicted area.
Again, not a great snap, but present mainly for Luca's benefit - he likes looking at all the blogs. He sits on my knee and squeals with delight at the pictures. "Granny Jo!" he'll call, or "Aunty Lucy, Aunty Lucy!". He seemed to like this picture perversely, so I've posted it purely for his benefit.
A picture without Luca! I snapped this snowy view yesterday from inside my car, once I'd parked up beside Pittodrie (Aberdeen's football ground) for the big game. What was the score? Can we talk about something else?

Our mutts love scrapping in the snow. Sima particularly gets excited by the white stuff, and as such Isis' nose and legs pay a painful penalty every time the icy coldness arrives.
Ooops, I have to go - Mum and Dad have just arrived for their tea. I have much more to report but it can wait until tomorrow.
In the interim, check out this website - Carole seems rather taken by them after having met them at (another.....) wedding exhibition today. Looks like they'll be the ones making the music you'll (hopefully) dance to come October 30th.
**Question of the day - Why is it that when dogs are soaking wet they wait until they're right next to you before they shake?**
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